Thinking about

 I'm just thinking about last summer and my mother nagging me about what I wear.   I'm way too casual for her, I guess you can call it being a tomboy.   It's a stupid saying.    So there I am on the beach where we live being damned for coming out in some black linen drawstring cargo pants.   I'm pretty sure I topped it with some tshirt or sleeveless top with my black Birkenstocks.  What the hell am I supposed to wear for my nightly walk?   She's so annoying and from a completely different era.   My brother's punk rock influence ruined her floral and pink dreams of me wearing dresses.   

I say all of this because I have been lighter in my choices of wardrobe.   Anything I buy from here to the summer is to wear in Portugal too.   I love living on the beach, even if it is for 3 weeks.  I used to do it all whole summer when I was a teenager.   Leave me alone with my faded drawstring pants.  I'm happy the way I am.   I just hate getting dressed up and seeing people's reactions.   OMG you look so nice.  Like to insinuate that I don't look nice any other time.   I get insulted by compliments.  It's strange.  Here comes Buddhism to teach me how to take a compliment ..  

I really do love the Buddhist teachings    It's not unachievable to reach that place of not giving a fuck.   It's hard work to be aware all day of how you react to things.  It brings up a lot.   But you work through it and before you know it you are in the practice of letting shit go.    

That's it.. Need some t's saying that.   I know someone already did it but I can add a twist.   

Back to the compliment thing.   It's a product of overthinking and a monkey mind.   Astrologically I am fucked because I'm an Aquarius with 4 placements.    I can live inside my head my whole life.   I need to add more fire to my life.   Just to balance shit out.   


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